Young Athlete Rehabilitation
Licensed Therapist: Marissa Servello, PT, DPT, ATC

Young Athlete Rehabilitation in Hoboken, NJ
Hudson Family Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

Young Athlete Rehabilitation in Hoboken, NJ

Treating young athletes

Young athletes have special needs when it comes to the rehabilitation of their injuries. Many parents and coaches fail to recognize this when working with the young athlete and when not addressed, the athlete may be setting themselves up for further injury.

The young athlete cannot be treated or trained, no matter what there fitness and skill level, like an adult or a professional athlete.  They have growth plates, bone-tendon and muscle structures, and stamina differences that if not protected will relate to injury.

Benefits of working with Hudson Family Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

  • We specialize in kids and understand the unique needs of child and adolescent athletes and tailor rehabilitation to meet the needs of children.
  • In addition to helping your child recover, they will learn injury prevention and performance enhancement exercises.
  • Your child will receive an individualized evaluation and a custom program.
  • We have a team approach to physical therapy. We will consult with you, physicians, coaches and trainers in order keep your child safe, healthy and strong.

Call to book your appointment – most insurance is accepted

Call at (201) 656-5600 to book your appointment with our licensed physical therapist.  We will verify your insurance information so you know exactly what your financial responsibilities will be before your first visit.


Additional Rehabilitation Therapies

What Patients are Saying…


Schedule Your Appointment with Hudson Family Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
Call (201) 656-5600 or Click Below to Request an Appointment Online:

Call Us (201) 656-5600